Objectives / By-laws


To provide a forum of AMEs elected by AMEs or AMEs voluntarily offering to serve on such a body, to act as a vehicle to represent the views and objectives of the AME Association (Atlantic) Inc. at any level required to preserve or alter as the case may deem necessary, the rights, privileges and legislation of AMEs as a whole.


• All voting members of the Association must currently hold an AME license in any category or be a retired AME who has held an AME license.
• Be a non-licensed aviation maintenance technician, technologist or individual meeting a recognized aviation trade standard (CGSB, Mil Standard, CCAA, SCA) or holding a position named in an MCM, MPM or ATO manual.
• Be a non-licensed person who holds a paid or volunteer administrative position actively involved in the daily running of the AME Association for a period of no less than 5 years. Such person shall not occupy the position of president, vice president or sit as the representative of the AME Association (Atlantic) or the AMEC/TEAC board of directors.


• Student membership is available at a reduced rate and this specified membership can only be renewed over a six-year period. Student members are non-voting members.
• Student members attaining their AME license may become full voting members by paying the difference between student membership fees and regular fees.


• Corporate membership is available to any corporation supporting the objectives of the Association, and which is actively involved in the aviation industry in the Atlantic region.
• A representative of a Corporate member shall have the right to attend all meetings but shall not be entitled to vote or hold office in the Association.


  1. Membership privileges are available to all members in good standing with dues paid to date. Lapsed membership may be re-instated with the payment of annual dues.
  2. Attendance at the AGM or Executive Meetings may be in-person or virtually.
  3. Quorum at the AGM will consist of; all members in good standing and present at the AGM either in-person or virtually.
  4. The Association President shall call Executive meetings as are deemed necessary. Normal notice of meetings shall be thirty days. Emergency meetings will be called as required.
  5. Executive decisions can only be made with a quorum of 50% of the directors + one. Either the President or Vice-President must be included as one of the directors.
  6. An annual meeting of the general membership is normally scheduled to coincide with the ARAMC.
  7. All committee Chairpersons will report to the general membership at the Annual General Meeting.
  8. An election of executive officers will be held annually at the general meeting. In the event that an elected committee chairperson resigns, for whatever reason prior to the expiry of his/her term, the President shall appoint another elected director to fill the position for the remainder of the resignee’s term.
  9. The Executive committee will be composed of a maximum of ten (10) and a minimum of six (6) directors who will manage the affairs of the Association.
  10. Half of the executive will be elected at each AGM. All nominations must be accompanied with one signature of a member in good standing. Elections will follow the nominations. Nomination Forms must have the nominee’s signature of acceptance of the nomination, or the acceptance can be verified by phone call or e mail from the nominee.
  11. If a serving member of the executive is nominated to another position on the executive, he/she shall tender their resignation upon accepting the nomination.
  12. Elections may be conducted in person, online or in a hybrid session.
  13. All voters, present or attending virtually, will be verified for eligibility before ballots are counted.
  14. Members serving on the Executive should be prepared to offer their service for two years and attend executive and other meetings as required.
  15. The president will not be a voting member, with the exception of a tie-breaking vote.
  16. An agenda will be required for the AGM for discussion and action on items proposed during the year, and will be distributed thirty days in advance.
  17. Membership fees (regular, student and corporate) will be established on an annual basis by the members at the AGM.
  18. Travel Expenses to the AGM will be covered for the President / or in his or her absence the vice-President and the Secretary if the location of the AGM is not in their Province of Residence.
  19. Travel Expenses to the AMEC/TEAC Annual Director’s Meeting for the President and a second executive will be covered by the Association.
  20. Any amendments to the AME Association Objectives or By-Laws will be approved by the general membership at the AGM.

Updated November 2023