About AME Association (Atlantic) Inc.
Atlantic AME Association is one of six similar associations across Canada; the others being the Quebec, Ontario, Central, Western and Pacific associations.
These associations represent regional interests, as well as concerns of national importance. The Aircraft Maintenance Engineers of Canada/ Techniciens d’Entretien d’Aéronefs du Canada, is a national body, which is supported and financed by all the regional associations and which represents the associations at the national level.
The purpose of the association is to maintain and enhance the standards of professionalism of the AME and the aircraft maintenance industry as a whole and to protect the rights and privileges of the AME. The association works with and is consulted by Transport Canada in the formulation of new rules and regulations to promote the viewpoint of the AME. We are represented on various committees and working groups involved with aircraft maintenance and licensing.
A separate committee under the auspices of the association runs an annual Conference. This workshop is a two-day event that features speakers on a variety of related topics, as well as, an industry trade show with over thirty-five booths from various companies, suppliers, manufacturers and other organizations. Attendance at the various sessions held during the conference may be counted toward the recurrent training requirements required by Transport Canada, provided that your employer has this conference listed in their approved manual.
The Purpose and Objectives of This Association Are:
- To promote and protect the profession of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer.
- To develop, maintain and improve representation and consultation with regulatory bodies that affect or may affect the profession of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer.
- To represent the views and objectives of the membership of the Association.
- To promote and develop the knowledge, skills and proficiency of the profession of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer through education, publication and research.
- To cooperate and associate with groups, associations and organizations on matters of mutual interest.
- To promote honourable practices among the membership and between persons in the aviation industry.
The Association is non-union, non-sectarian and non-partisan.